Friday 30 May 2014


Happy so Holiday earthlings! Whew, so its school holiday. But for me this holiday its kinda boring because my both parents busy with their work. I'm here stuck with my gadgets and ofcourse darl, my 'k-pop thing' hahaha. So recently, theres about Kris. That news made me cried a Niagara Falls you know. Lol
Hahaha. Just imagine it. Ok, back to Kris. This is too much for me. How I can watch EXO without Kris? EXO-M without their respactive Leader? International fans without their translation? I'm serious though about the translation. Anddd... The one who always said "Thank you to our international fans who support us and bla bla"? If Kris leave EXO, who gonna say those things? And, who gonna make a stupid joke that no one would laugh but unfortunately we laughed at it. This is just too much. But I still support them. Both of it. EXO and Kris. But I hope it always be EXO the ot12 no EXO and Kris anymore. WE MISS YOU KRIS WU.
Btw, EXO end their solo concert successfully on May 23 to 25, 2014 that held at Olympic Gymnastic Arena. And they continue their solo concert to other countries such as in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and the other countries. So, congrats boys eventhough without Kris, good job!
Ok earthlings, since my phone forceclosed by my teacher, I can't up to date with EXO boys and INFINITE. What a life,
Hahaha, So, Got to go earthling. I've many dramas to catch up since its holiday. See ya~ INSPIRIT
EXO stans
xoxo, Mrs INFINITE ∞

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