Friday 22 September 2017

Finally back again and decide to start again my blog

It is been so long I left blog world. I realize how much I love to write my feelings rather than tell someone about my feelings. Now, I am back again with my blog but with more mature and educated me. Hahaha. It is funny to read my old blog. Macam tak percaya yang I actually like gedik girl type. Anyway, I am already 18 years old this year. I still can't believe it. I am already in the middle of life. Hah! When I was innocent young girl, I thought my 18 years old will be pretty and more confident in whatever I do. But, meh. I become more discourage and get uglier. Hahaha. So, here the reason why I need to start again my blog again. I got many problems like so many sampai I tak dapat nak count my own problem. Okay, but first is. Friend. Friend, I don't know how to put it but what I know is, I don't have a shoulder to lean on. The person I trusted the most turn out to be bukan best friend and best listener. Am I that bad? Am I that selfish? I don't care you talk bad about me because I know I do wrong and sometime I didn't realize that I broke someone heart. But I do want someone to say that 'It's Okay' to everything I do and try to change me to be the better person. Guide me somehow. Not turning their back and left me hanging. One by one left me saying I am bad. Saying I didn't appreciate. How can I when you didn't appreciate me at the first place. I am not being childish but how did you expect me to surprise you and celebrate yours when you didn't remember mine? I am hoping a sincere wish since they were my friend but what I get is? In a group chat, HB (my name). But its all thanks to other people who were wishing me at the first. They say I am like their sister. But, they didn't even save my number. I am sorry that I care for you guys. Asking how you doing, what happen, what make you cry and so on. Thanks to big deep scars, I am literally a stone. And what I care now is, my K-POP life. Thanks to BTS because they always gave me courage like everyday. I am happy just being myself. But, it sad how people not appreciate what I am doing. Thanks for staying with me, my Frappuccino. Even when all people start turning their back when they knew the real me. OH BTW, BTS NEW COMEBACK IS SOOOOOO LITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BTS DNA M/V

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